Friday, July 23, 2010


As with so many other members, I am finding thattrading on eBay, especially buying, is becoming inreasingly difficult, not to say risky. There appear to be more and more, frankly, dishonest traders, non-payers and time wasters using the system who do so apparently without any risk of being expelled. Very often, negative feedback is not left in many cases where it would be appropriate simply because of the likelyhood of a 'tit for tat' reaction. There are two major problems here; eBay does not police it's own rules and communication with ANYONE within eBay is virtually impossible. Ebay is very likely soon to become a victim of it's own success and I, for one, am considering whether I want, or can afford, to remain a member. Wake up eBay before it's too late!

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