Friday, July 23, 2010

How to make sure your eBay offers are found

There is little point in spending time and money on uploading your offer to eBay if you ignore the single most important aspect. Can you afford to ignore the vital requirement which will help your offer to be seen by potential buyers?

The Title FieldHow many times have you searched through eBay and found short and cryptic titles for offers.

For instance, take this title: Clay chimenea L @ @ K

What does this tell you? Well, it says that it a chimenea and is made of clay. It is possible that a potential buyer will use the search term chimenea and if they do, will find a fair number of hits. However, does your Clay chimenea L @ @ K say very much? Not really.

What should goThe word look with the @ character. People do not search for that as a word. This takes us down to simply Clay chimenea

Fifty-five characterseBay allows you to use up to 55 characters as the title for your offer. That is 55, including spaces. Your mission, for everything you sell, should be to use all 55, or as close as you can possibly get. These 55 characters are the most important characters you will ever use on eBay.

Lets look at our example again: Garden chimenea

This uses 14 characters, less that a third of the total available. What you need to do, is to describe the chimenea so people know more about it.

Lets expand our exampleYou know from the chimenea that it is 75cm high. Also that the model is an Adora. Also, it has a lid and a stand. In addition, it is brand new.

Take this valuable information and rework the title as follows:

Adora 75cm high Clay Chimenea with lid

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