Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So what does go into Soap?

Where do we start In the world we live today, we are surrounded with harmful pollutants and irritants which damage our bodies on a daily basis (cancer is now more widespread than ever!). We at Purdie's believe in going back to nature by using organic botanicals, herbs and naturally pure ingredients. Here are just some of those harmful ingredients regularly used in many of today's soap products:Fragrance: Many of the 4000 compounds within fragrances can be carcinogenic or toxic none of which are required to be listed on a product label - just the word fragrance.Artificial Colours: Some just irritate, most are known carcinogens and contain heavy lead content.Parabens: A preservative. In a 2004 study of 20 breast tumours, 100% contained Parabens (BBC Website 11 April 2004: Dr Dabre, p Reading University).Propylene Glycol: A main component in anti-freeze which damages the kidneys and liver and likely to be contaminated with 1.4-dioxane, a recognised carcinogenic.Methyl Chloroisothiazolinine

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