Friday, September 25, 2009

Natural Aromatherapy For Children

Soothing Remedies For ChildrenThis is a short guide to using aromatherapy with children in mind, from teething to a calming massage to help them sleep. Quantities to use, and which oils are suited for children. We have natural treatmentinformation on constipation in children, hyperactive, headlice nits, teething and nappy rash.ConsiderationsFirstly you must reduce your blends to suit the age of the child.6 months - 1 year is 5% of a normal adult dose1-3 years = 10 % of adult dose3-5 years 20%=of adult dose5-10 years = 50% adult dose11-15 years = 80% adult dose15 years = adult doseDO NOT GIVE HERBS TO BABIES UNDER 6 MONTHS WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION. INFANTS CAN BECOME RAPIDLY ILL. SEEK EMERGENCY ATTENTION FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES, DIARRHOEA, VOMITING OR BREATHING DIFFICULTIES.CUTS AND SCRAPESA chamomile infusion soothes a hyperactive child, while used as a compress or balm it is a natural antiseptic for cuts and grazes.CALMING MASSAGEcalm a fretful baby with a soothing massage of 5 drops mandarin, 2 drops chamomile and 30ml sweet almond.CONSTIPATIONRelieve the pain caused by constipation in young children by massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction with 5 drops mandarin, 5 drops gernaium and 15ml sweet almondHYPERACTIVITYCalm and soothe and overactive toddler into a restful nights sleep by relaxing them in a bath infused with the following blend just before bedtime. 3 drops mandarin, 3 drops of lavenderNAPPY RASHSoothe nappy rash by adding 1 drop of chamomile and 1 drop of lavender to a tepid bowl of water, and use to dampen cotton wool and wash the affected area.TEETHINGFor fretful teething babies.2 drops of chamomile in 15ml of aloe vera gel and massage the jaw and neck area.HEADLICELemon eucalyptus and Neem oil are very good oils to use as a preventative measure. They do not kill the lice, however the smell puts the lice off coming near. Ideal for when headlice are going through the schools and your child keeps coming home with them, no matter how many times youve nit combed.ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM EBAY, WE SELL ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS FOR YOU TO MAKE UP YOURSELF, OR WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU.

Orignal From: Natural Aromatherapy For Children

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