Friday, September 25, 2009

Is A Home Brazilian Wax Right for You?

It's all the rage at the moment, made famous in the Press and Magazines because of the throw away comments of superstars like Gweneth Paltrow and Eva Longoria. but is a Brazilian Wax for everyone? and more importantly, does it really spice up your love life?I have been a Therapist and Therapist Trainer for over 15 years and in my opinion the answers are; no and yes respectively.A Brazilian is not for everyone, by it's nature the treatment is painful, (what do expect? you are pulling hair out by the root from the most sensitive part of your body!) and pain is relative. What is mild discomfort for one person is excruciating agony for another. So there are a small minority of women (and men) who will find the procedure just too painful to be worth the obvious rewards. But they are in theminority, most individuals who give up on the desire to be "bare down there" have been the victims of either the Beauty Butcher (the well meaning, but inept Therapist) or, or in a vain attempt to maintain some vestige of dignity, have attempted the job themselves, usually without any instruction or research! The result is a wide kneed gait for2 to 3 weeks, and a half and half (half red, sore and patchy, and the other half, wild, free and untamed!).Please pay attention to the following information; It takes a full year to train a good Wax Therapist and about another year of practice before the experience really starts to show and the Client can laugh through the treatment. This does not mean that you cannot do the procedure yourself, it is actually easier to learnthe correct techniques on yourself than it is on someone else. You tend to learn very quickly where to hold the skin, how to apply the wax, and the perfect peel off direction, etc.when the victim is you!NowadaysI won't let aTrainee Wax Therapist near a paying clienttill I have seen (and Heard!) her Wax herself!You can do it at home, but you do need to know exactly what you are doing, before you start, and feel confident that you can complete the entire job. A good instructional guide specifically for Home Brazilian Waxes with step by step photos can make you a self wax expert in a short time.The products you use can also make a huge difference to your comfort and the end result. Most Professional Therapists will only use Warm Wax and Paper Strips, as the hard Waxes and reusable strips are just not up to the job. Pre-waxed strips of cold wax are fine for your legs, but if you are going give yourself a Brazilian, you want to be sure that each peel off, takes, all of the hair off! You do not want to go back for painful seconds!As for the rewards, well, Eva tells us that she had a lack luster love life till her first Brazilian Wax, after it, the Earth and Heavensmoved for her! Gwenith says it changed her life!In my own experience and that of most of my Clients, when it comes to the bedroom, any change is usually a good one! We all agree that a freshly, "bared down there" helps focus attention, and attention down there is always a good thing! Try it, it's worth it!Lorraine Romain

Orignal From: Is A Home Brazilian Wax Right for You?

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