Saturday, August 21, 2010

A few tips to increase sales.....

I sell beautiful bedroom stools and chairs on ebay, to people all over the country and have been doing so for a while now so Ive learnt a few little tips to maximise my sales so I thought Id write this short guide to also help you! :)

1, My first tip is to invest in a good camera so that you can take a great picture! - Remember, this is the first thing a buyer see's so if your picture is rubbish then your NOT going to get a sale! so its worth just making a little extra effort.

2, You MUST add a gallery picture to your listings! Its been proven that you are more likely to sell your item if you add one of these. - I would never list an item without using this feature.

3, You should make your listing as bright and as beautiful as possible! ebay has a great listing designer feature that you should always use and it only costs 6p! You should always use a size 12 to 14 font so that it stands out and change the colour of the text! There is a great website that I use its free to upload your pictures here so you can save a bit on ebay fees and also make your listing realy stand out!

4, Don't go overboard on a price and DONT add a reserve price! BUYERS HATE RESERVE PRICES! why bother??? just add the reserve price as you starting price.... at least buyers know where they stand! and dont worry if your item doesnt sell first time! just list it again when it ends because it will sell..... inventually :)

5, Finally the most busy time on ebay for buyers is Sunday at 8pm so list your items on Thursdays at 8pm for a maximum of 10 days so that it ends at the busiest time of the week.... there are more bidders then = more buyers!

I hope this quick guide has helped a little and remember SELL SELL SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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