Here is my simple guide to buying CDs, Games and DVDs are rock bottom prices.
Hi. I am a reasonably successful seller on ebay, and I have worked hard at learning how the site works. Check my shop out, although I hope you won't find any stupid prices in my store. Great Value, but not stupid below cost stuff.
Firstly to buy the best possible value items you must not be desperate for particular titles. That will enevitable lead you to up your bids. If you are not fussed if you win it or not, then value will come your way.
Saved Searches
The simplest wayI have found to buy ridiculously cheap items is by using the FAVOURITE SEARCHES facility.
Create a search such as
All Items in Category - MUSIC, Sub Category CDs
Format - Album
Sort - Lowest First
Currency - Sterling
Maximum Price - 2
Save it as a favourite search. Then when ever you have a spare five minutes. Run the search. Sometimes there will be 100 items to sift through. Other times there will be 1000! You can narrow it down to certain type of music or film if you like.
OK, so there are a lot of titles you don't like in there, but flick down the list quickly. Dig something out. Big 25p and move on. You'll miss lots but also win lots at stupid prices. When you search specifically for items you miss all the misspelt listings, ones where they have used a different word to describe the item etc. It is a great way to increase your musics collection for a lot less than (legal) downloading!
Misspelt Listings
Another way to save a fortune is to find listings what have spelling mistakes in the title, meaning most buyers don't find the listing. But how do you know how they have been spelt I hear you ask. You don't need to. There are dozens of websites that "create" the spelling mistakes and the search for you. One site is typotracker. It is FREE and will create a multitude of spelling options for you to search with.
Fab for high value items!
Seller Check
However. A big warning. When things are very very cheap, you must be very careful to check the seller details. Make sure there feedback is 95% or more, and ideally have a rating of over 10. For more protection check if they have 2 little PAY PAL symbols next to their name. That means PAY PAL protect you too. Things that are very very cheap can sometimes have a catch, so you need to be careful.
Don't let that put you off.... Have fun
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