This is just a friendly warning for anyone looking to buy compact flash from the seller, ideaopportunity.
I bid on and won one of his auctions (7630284816) but when the CF card arrived it turned out to be a fake.
This was confirmed by comparing the card to those shownon a website (contact me for the url as eBay won't
permit me to includealink here) and a logged call to Sandisk UK (0207 3654193).
I filed a dispute with paypal and got a refund from the seller who incidentally, at no time offered an apology.
I then left negative feedback together with a warning for other buyers to beware.
Not totally unexpectedly I got retaliatory negative feedback. It untruthfully stated that I'd tried to get the item for free from him.
It's a bizarrelie as I'd had to return the item to the seller at my own expense before Paypal would retrieve the original payment.
Sadly, eBay's process for dealing with feedback makes no provision for protecting those of us who choose to expose those
who try and pass off counterfeit goods as the genuine article. I cannot contest the libellous feedback or have it removed
unless I pay $30 to have the case reviewed by a third party company which still does not guarantee removal.
Until buyers can feel safe about leaving honest factual feedback as a warning for other potential buyers, sellers
likeideaopportunitywill continue to be able to sell counterfeit goods to unsuspecting and trusting buyers.
The fear of unwarranted retaliatory negative feedback will discourage them from using the feedback system in the way
it was intended.
I decided to take that chance because I feel it's important that people are warned when they're about to be potentially ripped off.
It's just annoying that I have to take a hit to expose a dishonest seller.
As a footnote to my experience, I contacted several other people who had bought these CF cards from the seller and a significant
proportion of them confirmed via email that their purchases were counterfeit too.
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