Prada Spotting the Fakes!
Don't get fooled with cheap Asia-Fakes anymore! You have a buyer protection garanty when you buy over ebay and pay with paypal . Internet platform is polluted with fake-sellers who advertise their products to be authentic Prada. Especially in the new collection the label protects itself through hightech features on their products, which are almost impossible to copy. So be aware of those signs of authenticity for Prada, and check out our list below, if you wanna be sure to buy the Original, and to be absolutely sure- next time buy at our shop!
Prada - Signs of Authenticity (Bags, Shoes, Wallets)
- Autheticity Certificates: authentic Prada products come with two certificates. One of them is a plastic card. On ist back you can read : Art = Model nameMateriale = material nameColore = colour nameTaglia = sizeBelow that two sentences and then:Negozio = shop (blank)Data = date (blank)
The second certificate is made of paper and on the back it has some more informations about the product:On the upper left : Articles name (i.e. Cinture for belt oder Portafoglio in Pelle for leather wallet), beside that the size if given.Art = Model nameColore = colour name Group Name = Article group nameBelow that there is a bar code, which has to contain the model name given above!- Material: authentic Prada bags, shoes and wallets are made of the finest materials in excellently crafted quality. You can see, feel and smell that! Prada is famous for their innovative use of a wide variety of very high-quality materials for their handbags. Below is a list of those materials
Bufalo= Buffalo LeatherCanapa= CanvasCinghiale= Wild Boar SkinCoccodrillo= CrocodileDaino= Deer SkinFeltro= Felt (usually made of wool)Lucertola= LizardNappa= Full Grain LeatherPelliccia= FurRaso= SatinSaffiano= Textured LeatherScamosciato= SuedeSpazzolato= Polished LeatherStruzzo= OstrichTessuto= Woven MicrofiberVela Sport= NylonVernice= Patent LeatherVitello= Calf Leather
- Triangle Logo: Most bags have the Prada triangle logo outside, usually in the center on the front or on the side; some style will have the logo affixed in the back. The logo should be attached securely on all three corners to the bag. If you run your fingers across the logo, you should be able to feel that the letters and symbols on the logo are slightly raised. The colour of the enamel on the logo must match or be very close to the colour of the bag. The placement of the letters, their size and spacing are all proportionate to each other. Some style of bags will have Prada embossed on the bag instead of the usual Prada triangle logo.
- Interior Plaque: The interior Prada metal plaque has to be firmly attached to the lining on all sides. You will be able to feel a piece of backing material underneath the plaque. All 4 corners have to be rounded. The colour of the enamel on it must match or be very close to the color of the lining. The color on the rim of the plaque (gold or silver) must match the color of the hardware of the bag. The placement of the letters, their size and spacing are all proportionate to each other.Prada wallets will have Prada - Milano embossed on one side and Made in Italy on the other side. All wallets are lined in either textured leather (Saffiano) that is excellent at resisting wear and tear or smooth Calf Leather (Vitello).
- Lining: Prada bags are lined in the following types of lining material: Prada signature fabric = Usually in black or coordinating color with the word Prada and a symbol that looks like a sideway letter S woven throughout.Vitello= Smooth Calf leatherRaso= Satin
- Hardware: Hardware used in Prada products comes in three colours: Silver-toned, Gold-toned, Rose colour-toned. The bag's hardware will have one of those colours, never a combination of both or all colours. Hardware on authentic bags is marked with the word Prada very cleanly (the embossing on counterfeits looks messy and not clear at all).
- Zipper: Prada products will have zippers from one of the brands listed below or a combination of them:Lampo (without the lightning bolt)IPIriri
In some purses and cosmetic bags the zippers are just plain and not from any these three brands. Newer bags used mostly metal zippers on the outside and inside. Older bags used plastic zippers on the inside.
- Dust bag: Prada bags come with a white cotton dust cover (that looks and feels like felt) with the Prada logo embossed on the front in black with drawstring closure, inside the dust cover there is a tag that says Prada - 100% cotton - Made in Italy. Older dust covers color is navy blue with Prada printed in gold color ink.
ATTENTION: Since the fake producers sometimes manage to copy one or two of these authenticity signs, make sure that all of them apply to your Prada product!
Protect yourself from fakes and make sure you buy real Prada quality products from honest sellers on Ebay! Check out our Trensandbrands Shop, cause with us you're on the safe side! We carry all the European and US high brand labels for reasonable prices with lots of winter specials right now!
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