Friday, September 25, 2009


I am writing this review as I believe from my own personal experience of 5 years of trading on ebay sellers need to protect themselves from the buyer Scammers. Not all are scammers but from my experience i have had quite a few that are. Here is the biggest scam of all. I offer insurance and tracking on all my items. 100% of the time they refuse. I have 5 ebay accounts on ebay as I sell different products. I have had the same buyer come to all 5 accounts buy something and on all 5 occasions they have claimed the item has gone missing. After the 1st bought item I realised the user name a second time on one of my other accounts and sent this item recorded. Again this item did not get there. After several months later of investigations with royal mail it turns out that the customer had made an arrangement with there postman to leave there parcel by the gate so they did not sign for it. On all occasions this buyer went and claimed through paypal on every occasion. I have also had a lot of big problems with Flats in glasgow. On every and i mean every occasion they have not got there and they have never got back to me either. Because of this reason and the fact we are not allowed to let other sellers know about this as our feedback rights have been taken away i thought i would let ebay sellers read this review and i am going to list any buyers that have scammed me. left me negative feedback and claimed through paypal and signed for there parcels.Rule number 1 : If you can afford the recorded delivery do this. This has lowered my paypal claims. It also lets the customer know that you have posted the parcel. Rule Number 2. If they claim through paypal and the tracking number does not go through on royal mail please be patient as sometimes this does take a while to go through on busy periods. Please give the tracking number to the customer also. Rule number 3 : Do not send to alternative addresses only them registered with paypal.recvieved. USER ID LEFT NEGATIVE FEEDBACK AND SIGNED FOR HER PARCL AND DID A PAYPAL CLAIM. pink_fairygirl21am writing this review as I believe from my own personal experience of 5 years of trading on ebay sellers need to protect themselves from the buyer Scammers. Not all are scammers but from my experience i have had quite a few that are. Here is the biggest scam of all. I offer insurance and tracking on all my items. 100% of the time they refuse. I have 5 ebay accounts on ebay as I sell different products. I have had the same buyer come to all 5 accounts buy something and on all 5 occasions they have claimed the item has gone missing. After the 1st bought item I realised the user name a second time on one of my other accounts and sent this item recorded. Again this item did not get there. After several months later of investigations with royal mail it turns out that the customer had made an arrangement with there postman to leave there parcel by the gate so they did not sign for it. On all occasions this buyer went and claimed through paypal on every occasion. I have also had a lot of big problems with Flats in glasgow. On every and i mean every occasion they have not got there and they have never got back to me either. Because of this reason and the fact we are not allowed to let other sellers know about this as our feedback rights have been taken away i thought i would let ebay sellers read this review and i am going to list any buyers that have scammed me. left me negative feedback and claimed through paypal and signed for there parcels.Rule number 1 : If you can afford the recorded delivery do this. This has lowered my paypal claims. It also lets the customer know that you have posted the parcel. Rule Number 2. If they claim through paypal and the tracking number does not go through on royal mail please be patient as sometimes this does take a while to go through on busy periods. Please give the tracking number to the customer also. Rule number 3 : Do not send to alternative addresses only them registered with paypal.I sent everything recorded on my websites and never have problems. The only problem i have ever encountered is on ebay! Since the feedback system has changed i have more negative feedback for items getting stolen and customers signing for parcels denying they have received.



WARNING ABOUT LINKSOFLONDONSTORE.CO.UKI bought a links of london sweetie bracelet and 18c white gold and diamond charm from this online company only to find that having spent almost


Food Dehydrator Guide and Food Dehydrating

Food Dehydrator Guide All our food dehydrators can be foundhere .Dehydrating Food * Preserves food to be consumed later* Preserves the nutritional value* Reduces the weight of the food* Concentrates flavoursWhat is dehydrating?Food dehydrating is an age old method of preserving fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts and herbs for use at a later date. Essentially, it is the removal of the water in the food by passing warm air through it for an extended period of time. By removing the water from the food, moulds and yeasts are not able to grow on the food and spoil it. Apart from preserving food for later use, dehydrating using a food dehydrator can also preserve the nutritional value of the produce due to the low temperature they can operate at. Cooking food at temperatures above 118oF (48oC) destroys the enzymes and essential nutrients contained in the food. Although food dehydrating can be done in a fan assisted convection oven, a solar dehydrator or even outside in the sun - an electric food dehydrator allows for a more controlled method of food drying that can be used indoors whatever the weather. It will also produce far superior results with less input needed by the user.A food dehydrator is essentially an oven but has been designed specifically for use at lower temperatures and to assist with the circulation of the air and removal of the moisture. It is a simple invention and consists of a fan, heating element and trays for putting the food on. The air inside the dehydrator is heated to a preset temperature and the fan circulates the warmed air around the food.Some of the better food dehydrators are equipped with a variable temperature control so that food can be dehydrated at different temperatures. Unfortunately, the cheaper dehydrators that are appearing more and more these days (under

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Is A Home Brazilian Wax Right for You?

It's all the rage at the moment, made famous in the Press and Magazines because of the throw away comments of superstars like Gweneth Paltrow and Eva Longoria. but is a Brazilian Wax for everyone? and more importantly, does it really spice up your love life?I have been a Therapist and Therapist Trainer for over 15 years and in my opinion the answers are; no and yes respectively.A Brazilian is not for everyone, by it's nature the treatment is painful, (what do expect? you are pulling hair out by the root from the most sensitive part of your body!) and pain is relative. What is mild discomfort for one person is excruciating agony for another. So there are a small minority of women (and men) who will find the procedure just too painful to be worth the obvious rewards. But they are in theminority, most individuals who give up on the desire to be "bare down there" have been the victims of either the Beauty Butcher (the well meaning, but inept Therapist) or, or in a vain attempt to maintain some vestige of dignity, have attempted the job themselves, usually without any instruction or research! The result is a wide kneed gait for2 to 3 weeks, and a half and half (half red, sore and patchy, and the other half, wild, free and untamed!).Please pay attention to the following information; It takes a full year to train a good Wax Therapist and about another year of practice before the experience really starts to show and the Client can laugh through the treatment. This does not mean that you cannot do the procedure yourself, it is actually easier to learnthe correct techniques on yourself than it is on someone else. You tend to learn very quickly where to hold the skin, how to apply the wax, and the perfect peel off direction, etc.when the victim is you!NowadaysI won't let aTrainee Wax Therapist near a paying clienttill I have seen (and Heard!) her Wax herself!You can do it at home, but you do need to know exactly what you are doing, before you start, and feel confident that you can complete the entire job. A good instructional guide specifically for Home Brazilian Waxes with step by step photos can make you a self wax expert in a short time.The products you use can also make a huge difference to your comfort and the end result. Most Professional Therapists will only use Warm Wax and Paper Strips, as the hard Waxes and reusable strips are just not up to the job. Pre-waxed strips of cold wax are fine for your legs, but if you are going give yourself a Brazilian, you want to be sure that each peel off, takes, all of the hair off! You do not want to go back for painful seconds!As for the rewards, well, Eva tells us that she had a lack luster love life till her first Brazilian Wax, after it, the Earth and Heavensmoved for her! Gwenith says it changed her life!In my own experience and that of most of my Clients, when it comes to the bedroom, any change is usually a good one! We all agree that a freshly, "bared down there" helps focus attention, and attention down there is always a good thing! Try it, it's worth it!Lorraine Romain

Orignal From: Is A Home Brazilian Wax Right for You?


How To Charge and Maintain Your Mobility Scooter BatteriesWhat is the best regime for charging my batteries?It is very important that you follow the manufacturer's recommendations in the manual that came with the mobility scooter, as each scooter will have different instructions.However, as a rule, we recommend that you charge your batteries after every trip. Even if you have not been very far, it is wise to ensure that your batteries are full before each journey. Don't leave your batteries for long periods without being charged, even if you have not used your scooter. How do I best care for my batteries?Try to keep your batteries clean, particularly the terminals. Make sure the connections to the terminals are tight and un-obstructed. Do not store your batteries in extreme temperatures.What is the difference between GEL and AGM batteries?The two battery types use different technology but generally speaking, gel batteries will perform better and last you longer. Although they are more expensive than AGM, they tend to represent better value. We can advise on all aspects of battery suitability, according to your particular model of scooter.Are my mobility batteries the same as car batteries?No. Mobility batteries are designed to give a slow and consistent discharge. Car batteries are designed to give a more focused burst of power, for the starting of an engine, for instance.Are all mobility batteries the same?No. There are many different types and sizes of battery available. If you are unsure what type you need, you either should contact your scooter manufacturer or us for guidance.How long should my batteries last for?Battery life can vary enormously. A battery will have a pre-ordained life cycle but this will be affected by a number of environmental factors such as frequency of use, depth of discharge, length and frequency of charge time and storage temperature. Experience tells us that the average life span is around two years but can be longer or shorter than this. Obviously if the mobility scooter is used for travelling a few miles a week on flat pavements or roads, then the batteries will last longer than if the scooter is used for travelling 20 miles a day up and down hills and on rough terrain.Your mobility scooter manual may suggest that bigger batteries can be fitted to your scooter. This will provide you with a greater range, meaning that you can go further before needing to charge your batteries. The batteries are available from mobility dealers such as ourselves and the price will depend on the battery capacity. The batteries are often the heaviest item on a mobility scooter. Bigger batteries will mean heavier batteries, which is one thing to consider if you often dismantle the scooter to transport it in the car. How can I tell if my existing batteries are spent?Battery failure or degeneration usually manifests itself in poor performance. If your scooter feels sluggish or you are not getting very much range (distance), it is probably your batteries that are to blame. However, it is prudent to have this checked as problems can be caused by a variety of technical areas within your product.How else can I properly maintain my scooter?Like a car, your mobility scooter will need a service from time to time. The mobility scooter manual will advise you how often your scooter needs servicing. As a rough guide it will need servicing every 6 to 12 months or so, depending on use.A scooter repair and servicing company, such as ours, will be able to carry out the scooter service, and ensure that the scooter is functioning to its full capability. Depending on the model and age of the scooter, the scooter service may take between 2-3 hours. The service should also include a test ride by the mechanic to fully check the scooter and make sure that it is running smoothly and as it should do.The manual will also describe any weekly or monthly maintenance checks that are required. This can include pumping up the tyres, checking the seat mechanism and so on. We hope you found this guide informative and useful, please get in touch if you need free personal advice on any aspect of mobility scooter repair or maintenance.

Orignal From: Charge

Natural Aromatherapy For Children

Soothing Remedies For ChildrenThis is a short guide to using aromatherapy with children in mind, from teething to a calming massage to help them sleep. Quantities to use, and which oils are suited for children. We have natural treatmentinformation on constipation in children, hyperactive, headlice nits, teething and nappy rash.ConsiderationsFirstly you must reduce your blends to suit the age of the child.6 months - 1 year is 5% of a normal adult dose1-3 years = 10 % of adult dose3-5 years 20%=of adult dose5-10 years = 50% adult dose11-15 years = 80% adult dose15 years = adult doseDO NOT GIVE HERBS TO BABIES UNDER 6 MONTHS WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL CONSULTATION. INFANTS CAN BECOME RAPIDLY ILL. SEEK EMERGENCY ATTENTION FOR HIGH TEMPERATURES, DIARRHOEA, VOMITING OR BREATHING DIFFICULTIES.CUTS AND SCRAPESA chamomile infusion soothes a hyperactive child, while used as a compress or balm it is a natural antiseptic for cuts and grazes.CALMING MASSAGEcalm a fretful baby with a soothing massage of 5 drops mandarin, 2 drops chamomile and 30ml sweet almond.CONSTIPATIONRelieve the pain caused by constipation in young children by massaging the abdomen in a clockwise direction with 5 drops mandarin, 5 drops gernaium and 15ml sweet almondHYPERACTIVITYCalm and soothe and overactive toddler into a restful nights sleep by relaxing them in a bath infused with the following blend just before bedtime. 3 drops mandarin, 3 drops of lavenderNAPPY RASHSoothe nappy rash by adding 1 drop of chamomile and 1 drop of lavender to a tepid bowl of water, and use to dampen cotton wool and wash the affected area.TEETHINGFor fretful teething babies.2 drops of chamomile in 15ml of aloe vera gel and massage the jaw and neck area.HEADLICELemon eucalyptus and Neem oil are very good oils to use as a preventative measure. They do not kill the lice, however the smell puts the lice off coming near. Ideal for when headlice are going through the schools and your child keeps coming home with them, no matter how many times youve nit combed.ALL OF THE ABOVE CAN BE BOUGHT DIRECT FROM EBAY, WE SELL ALL THE ABOVE ITEMS FOR YOU TO MAKE UP YOURSELF, OR WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU.

Orignal From: Natural Aromatherapy For Children

Eyelash extensions - Aftercare guide from Secret Lashes

* For the first 24 hours after the application of lash extensions, do not allow water to come into contact with the lashes* For two days after the treatment do not steam your face or use a sauna* Do not use waterproof mascara or mascara remover on lashes as make-up remover with affect the bonding of lashes. Use only water based mascara on the lashes, which is oil free and smudge free* Do not perm lash extensions* Do not tint the lashes * Do not use an eyelash curler as it could break the lash bond.* Do not rub eyes or lashes when washing the face. Always pat dry lashes after cleansing* Do not allow the shower water to hit the eyelashes directly* Never pull off the eyelash extensions as this will pull out your natural eyelashes* Be gentle with the lash extensions, avoid tugging and getting them caught of clothes and towels

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Eyelash Extensions - FAQ - from Secret Lashes

Is there a maintenance programme for Eyelash Extensions?Like your nails and the hair on your head, your individual eyelashes grow out on a continuous cycle of replenishment, averaging about 90 daysWhile some individual eyelash extensions may last for weeks and weeks, to maintain the thickness and fullness and for best results, we recommend you to top up about every 2-3 weeks. The number of lash extensions that can be applied will be limited to the number of available natural lashes.Why buy from Secret Lashes?* We are experts in eyelashes extensions* You will always receive a friendly and swift customer service* Products you buy from us will always be professional tried and tested and sold at competitive pricesWhat types of Eyelashes are best for Eyelash Extensions?The length and hair strength of the client's natural lashes should be considered before choosing the weight and length of their lash extensions. It is recommended that lashes are only extended to twice the length of the natural lash - this is because a longer lash could weigh down the natural lash and cause it to prematurely fall out.* Eyelashes on a strip can be stuck on the back of your hand for faster procedure times (be careful not to alter the shape of the lash when taking it off the strip) * The Curlier the lash the shorter it will look in length* Almond Eyes - short lashes should be applied inner eye, medium lashes middle of eye, longer lashes towards outer edge of eye to give the sweep effect* Deep Set Eyes - all lashes should be the same length * Round/Protruding Eyes - shorter lashes should be used with some longer ones on the outer edges of the eye* Fine Natural Lashes - apply equally fine lash extensions to avoid over-weighing the natural lashes* Naturally Curly Lashes

Orignal From: Eyelash Extensions - FAQ - from Secret Lashes

How to choose a full lace wig that is right for you

Which Lace Wig Hair Texture Is Right For You?Anyone who has tried lace wigs will agree that they are the best invention to ever hit the hair replacement and hair extensions market. Their versatility is unsurpassed, and the possibilities are endless. However, newbies to the lace wig world can quickly feel overwhelmed - with such a large array of hair textures available, it can be overwhelming to choose between them. Which texture you opt for depends on your priorities when it comes to wearing lace wigs.High quality full lace wigs are made from Remy hair (usually Indian or Chinese, although sometimes Malaysian, Mongolian, Brazilian or European hair is used). Remy means that the hair cuticles have been left intact and are all aligned in the same direction, which makes this type of hair resistant to tangling and extremely durable. However, unless you opt for Virgin hair, all Remy hair has been processed (usually through a perming process)to resemble certain types of hair textures. Before you choose a texture, you should determine what your goals are.If your goal is to make it look REAL:Then you should choose a texture that most closely matches your own hair.Silky Straightis exactly as theterm implies- straight, silky, smooth and shiny. It resembles many European hair textures. Indian Remy silky straight hair dries with a slight wave after washing, while Chinese Remy silky straight remains straighter, but is slightly coarser than Indian Remy hair. Choosea silky straighttexture if your natural hair is very silky, shinyand straight.Light Yakiis straight hair without the silky shine. Choose this texture if your natural hair is wavy or loose curly and you straighten or relax it regularly. Light yaki texture looks like wavy or loose curly hair that has been straightened/relaxed.Yaki is slightly coarser than light yaki. This texture resembles tight curly, slightly coarse hair which has been straightened or relaxed. If your natural hair is very curly and highly textured, you should opt for yaki.AA Relaxed Texture resembles Afro hair (types 4a and 4b) which has been relaxed or hot-pressed. You should choose this texture if your own hair is of a coarse Afro texture and you relax or press it. This texture of hair dries straight after washing.Kinky Straight looks like natural Afro hair which has been blow-dried straight. Many will remember Rudy Huxtable from the Cosby Show - this is the exact same texture of her hair. Choose this hair texture if your hair is natural and chemical-free and if you like the blow-dried straight look.If you like full, thick hair:Although the vast majority of stock units are light to medium or medium density, you will find that Bodywave, Kinky Straight, Brazilian Curl or Natural Curl textures have the most body and volume. Alternatively, you may want to order a custom-made wig and ask for a higher density.If you like hair that is low maintenance and easy manageability:Although all lace wig textures require proper maintenance and care, Indian Virgin Remyand Chinese Virgin Remy hair require less maintenance than other textures, because these types of hair have not been processed in any way - they have neither been coloured nor permed. Therefore, these hair types are of the best quality and requireless maintenance than the processed hair textures. However, be aware thatVirgin hair is rather silky and shiny -if you are going for realism and your naturalhair is not silky and shiny, then Virgin hair may not be the right hair for you!Please note that this is only a rough guide and variations in texture are normal. Hair textures will vary with different sellers. Also, it is important to remember that each lace wig is skilfully made in hours of hard manual labour, and therefore each lace wig is unique.

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Buying a used wheelchair at auction

Why should you buy a used wheelchair at auction, when you can probably buy a brand new one cheaper?The answer is simple, a used British made wheelchair can be capable of giving you many years service, and in the event of a breakdown they can be repaired.With one of the many cheap imports you pay your money, and take your chances.Parts are still available for most British wheelchairs manufactured during the past 35 years, and with the most common wheelchairs auctioned on Ebay the parts are interchangeable.The names to look out for are Invacare, Remploy, and Lomax. These are all exceptionally well made wheelchairs of a reasonable weight around 15kg. with a user weight of 18 stone.Also don't be ripped off by the postage cost, a reasonable delivery charge for a wheelchair from a business seller, who most probably uses a carrier is around

Orignal From: Buying a used wheelchair at auction



Orignal From: FAKE CLEVELAND CG 14'S

Hair Extensions for Beginners

Hair extensions for beginnersHair extensions can make you look like you have long, beautiful hair. They can also provide dramatic colors to otherwise dull looking hair. However, before you decide to opt for hair extensions here is a guide on selection, tips and risks involved.Selecting the extensionsFirst of all, make sure to select an appropriate color of hair extensions. They must ideally match your hair color or be at least a shade as close as possible. Ofcourse, there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes, you might want a bolder look in which case vibrant colored hair extensions are also available. This way, you can have a dramatic look to your hair. Other than color, you also need to select only the highest grade and quality of hair extensions as these last very long and do not damage easily.Different techniques usedWhen it comes to application of hair extensions different techniques are in use. Glues can be used to attach extensions to your hair while non-glue techniques can also be used. There are also weft techniques of applying extensions in which case tracks are used onto which the extensions get attached. Then these wefts are attached to the sections of hair as needed. There are also clip-on extensions which are by far the easiest to use as you can attach these yourself. These extensions, as the name suggests, come with clips using which you can attach them to your hair.Risks associated with hair extensionsMost hair extension procedures when done professionally in a salon are relatively risk free. However, certain precautions need to be taken when undergoing a hair extension procedure. For instance, proper aftercare and conditioning is critical as is regular washing of the hair. You also need to know that only clip types of extensions can be applied on your own and for all other types of extensions professional assistance is mandatory. You must also stay away from too much heat as it damages the extensions. So that means excessive usage of curling irons or blowdryers.Pros and cons of using extensionsJust as anything else in life with hair extensions too there are the good and bad sides to it. Let

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10 Simple Tattooing Tips

1. Make sure your elastic bands are not too slack as your needle will wobble, too tight and it will slow your machine down.2. If your needle bar does not securely fit the grommet it will rattle and lose power, check there is no play in it.3. Too much tension on the back spring will break the spring. Our Cyclone power supply can measure spring settings.4. Make sure sure your needle is not binding and catching on your tip, it should rest on the bottom of the tip.5. Always fully load the tip with ink so you don't run out mid line.6. Hold the skin firmly and stretch slightlty to get a firm surface.7. Always use something like Vaseline whilst working it makes the excess ink easier to wipe off.8. Never wipe the excess ink off too hard, you will wipe away the transfer.9. Use a good quality needle, the white boxes are never consistent and you'll never find out where you are going wrong.10. Don't overwork the tattoo, if your technique is right and your machine is set up correctly it should easilyput the ink in smooth and solid. An overworked tattoo will cause excess scabbing and never heal solid.BUY FROM THE TATTOO SHOP WE OFFER QUALITY PRODUCTS.

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FAQ's - Hair Extensions

Hair Extension FAQ'sQ: How many hair extensions will it take to apply a full head?A: It normally take between 150 - 200 extensions, although this depends on the thickness of your hair and the volume you want to achieve. Q: How long will your hair extensions last for?A: Our hair is designed to last up to 3 months, but if well looked after could possibility be longer. Then you can reapply if you wish by replacing the bonds. Q: Will extensions damage my hair?A: Hair extension will not damage your hair if fitted and cared for properly. Q: Can you use heat tools on hair extensions, e.g. tongs, straighteners?A: Yes, as long as your extensions are 100% natural, although DO NOT apply heat on thekeratinbonds.Q: Are they different styles and lengths available?A: Different styles such as straight, bodywave, lengths from 14" up to 30" sometimes even longer...Q: Would you recommend using aftercare products?A: Yes, it is very important you treat your hair extensions as you would do on your real hair, we highly recommend our Balmain rangeQ: What length does my hair have to be to have extensions?A: Your hair length ideally should be at least 4 inches long.Visit our eBay Storefor hair extensions, tools and essential accessories.

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Dermatitis and Eczema - Clear Skin Remedies

Dermatitis and Eczema Clear Skin Remedies Maybe the first question you asked yourself after the doctor diagnosed your condition was, "Why me ? Why do I have to suffer the redness and irritation of dermatitis ? Why do I have to suffer the itching and dryness of eczema ?" Your doctor is perhaps best qualified to answer that question, difficult as it can be, but it may help to know that you're not alone. Millions of other people suffer from some form of dermatitus every year.The following tips are designed to help those with diagnosed conditions of eczema or dermatitis control the itching and dryness that accompany these afflictions : Beware Of Dry Air Dermatitis is aggravated by dehumidified air, especially during winter months when forced-air heat circulates in the home. Since dry air tends to aggravate the itching of eczema or dermatitis, keeping indoor air moist should be a primary concern of sufferers and their families. You can counter dry air with a good humidifier, but you really need a big unit to do any good. If you sleep next to it however, that's ok. Put it next to your bed. Like It Lukewarm While some experts feel excessive bathing can aggravate the condition, others feel that regular baths reduce the chances of infection and help soften the skin. Taking these different opinions into account, the safest thing to do is to bathe regularly but use lukewarm water. Not too hot, yet not too cold. Go For Grease Regular soap need not be avoided in your bath as long as a moisturiser is applied after its use to keep the skin from drying out. A number of after-bath emollients (greases) are available over the counter. If your skin still seems dry after using one of these products, move up to heavier creams or ointments. Take An Oatmeal Bath For an additional soothing treat, add colloidal (fine powder) oatmeal to the bath water. You can even use oatmeal as a soap substitute. For the bath, pour colloidal oatmeal (from your pharmacy) into a bath of lukewarm water. For use as a soap substitute, wrap the oatmeal in handkerchief, tie it with a rubber band, dunk it in the water, wring it out, and use as you would a normal washcloth. Take Comfort In CottonCotton clothing worn next to the skin is much better than either wool or polyester. Avoid synthetics or itchy fabrics, as well as tight or badly fitting clothes. In addition to looking tacky, such clothing can trigger itching. Compress To Soothe Cold wet dressings can help soothe and relieve the itching associated with contact dermatitis. Try cold milk instead of water, it seems to be a lot more soothing. Cool With Calamine Calamine lotion is good for many types of rashes that ooze and may need to be dried out. Also, calamine lotion with menthol or phenol added to it can be purchased over the counter from the pharmacy. This seems to help itching better than calamine lotion alone. Beware Of Body Lotions Sometimes baby lotions aren't the best thing for childhood eczema. They have a high water content, and that can further dry and irritate the skin as evaporation takes place. Use creams or ointments instead. Wash Once, Rinse Twice When it comes to doing the laundry for people with eczema or dermatitis, make sure the detergent is washed out thoroughly. Don't use too much detergent, and always rinse the clothes at least twice. Thank you for reading this article. I hope it has been helpful.

Orignal From: Dermatitis and Eczema - Clear Skin Remedies

10 Great Hair Care Tips

If you read the tabloids, you know that even the stars have bad hair days. It just seems that when the professional stylists are out of the picture, it is inherently human to have a less than glamorous mane. But you can do your part to stay ahead of the battle by following these great tips for hair care.1. Use a professional conditioner that is formulated for your specific hair type. While you can skimp a little on the shampoo, a good, professional conditioner is a must have. Look for products in salons that are customised for your hair type. For instance: If you have color or a perm, choose a conditioner that is for chemically processed hair. And stay away from those all-in-one shampoo and conditioner combos.2. Choose a cut tailored to your face and body shape. The number one mistake that people make when choosing a new hairstyle is to pick a style based on popularity rather than how it will enhance their features. Always choose a new cut based on how it will enhance or detract from your facial features and build. If you have broad shoulders, choose a full-bodied cut over a close cropped head hugging doo.3. Don

Orignal From: 10 Great Hair Care Tips

weight loss, viagra , impotence ,supplement pills avoid

Many ebayers think that because they see pills advertised on here they must be safe they are WRONG !!!The truth is pills etc from a chemist have been tested and are regulated by the correct authorities and are proven to be "safe"Lots of items sold on here are fakes , and you often cant be sure if your item is fake or not til its tooo latePills on here are not certified or governed , there is nothing stopping me from making pills and using rat poison etc and naming it the advanced slimming pill of the year etc.Noone knows if the pills on here are safe or not , many are made from china but the pills are not on sale over there because they do not meet their criteria.By looking at a sellers feedback you will only notice the buyers have only left feedback for receiving the product and not that they are safe or work.By taking pills you may feel fine but it maybe doing internal damage and may not show for a few weeks or even a few months.My advice is always seek professional adivsefrom a specialist and only use themedicine they prescribe.Is it worth risking your life to save a few pounds ????NO it isnt.For more help and advice see my ME page plsu watch vides regarding the truth about ebay and paypalPlease vote this page useful, link below.

Orignal From: weight loss, viagra , impotence ,supplement pills avoid

Considering Buying a Riser Recliner Chair?

Betterlifehealthcare - Rise Recliner ChairsThis is a short guide to help people know what to look for when buying a Rise Recliner Chair. There are many different points to look out for including background information, types, stock, delivery and warranties. All of these points should be considered throroughly before purchasing.Background InformationIt is important that you know a bit about the chair before buying and also the company you are buying from. Always check the manufacturer of the chair because not all chairs are produced by Rise Recliner Specialists.E.g.ARise Recliner Chair may beselling on eBay for

Orignal From: Considering Buying a Riser Recliner Chair?

Guide to MD Formulations Products INFO

If You Find This Guide Informative Please Click the 'Yes' Button at the Bottom of the Page. Thank You!SERIOUS SKINCARE Long before the beauty industry had even heard the term

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A Guide to buying A and F. The Fan's View...

ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH ON EBAY. A FAN'S GUIDEAfter reading a fair few of these guides on fake Abercrombie and Fitch, I decided to post my own, realistic guide.I will outline a few key points, rather than writing a massive ramble aimed at one seller, unfortunatelylike many of the other guides here...PRICINGThe first thing you have to remember when buying on e-bay is that the seller is usually running a business of some kind or selling to make their money back or a profit. So you should always expect a mark-up from how much you would ideally like to pay.American prices are half that of the prices you will find off the AandF UK website and the store in London. So the least you should expect to spend on current season clothing is half of the UK pricebefore postage, I.e. If a shirt is

Orignal From: A Guide to buying A and F. The Fan's View...


I just want to warn you out there if you are buying from the net, E-Bay or in person from a shop or web site to be very very careful. I 'WON' some from a seller claiming they were genuine and when they aerived they looked the real macoy, only when i tried to activate the warranty on them with GHD i was asked for the BAR CODE!!!! I told them they did not have one but the HOLOGRAM was on them. Thay asked me to send them in for verification, only if they were fake i would not get them back!!!! I e-mailed the seller who just kept replying that they were genuine!! GHD said theyy would not have left the factory WITHOUT the barcode label so were more than likely FAKE. This was June last year, the seller is no longer registered and i paid

Orignal From: FAKE GHD'S

Ask seller a Q about the GHD's they are selling

With my experience of recently receiving a pair of fake Hot Pink GHD's, I would now ask seller to provide the serial number on the label attached to the cord and verify this with customer services at GHD before buying or bidding! Apparently it is quite in order for the serial numbers on the label and the actual item to be different but it is the the number on the label that matters.I am sure giving the amount of fakes flooding ebay at the moment that we are well within our rights to ask the seller to provide this information and if he/she is reluctant to do so then your question is answered and do not bid.I have since contacted several sellers asking them to provide the serial number as authenticity and only one has been able to do so. I had replies like, sorry all packed up and ready to send, sorry, the tag fell off and I lost it, or if in any doubt do not bid!! Paypal are not very accomodating when a fake item is sent. I am still waiting for an outcome and that's been since early April. They now require me to send the item to GHD in order to have written confirmation of the item being counterfeit which will cost me more money again sending them off so reckon I'm just counting my losses and will be more careful in future when making purchases on ebay.

Orignal From: Ask seller a Q about the GHD's they are selling


I recently bought some Gillette Fusion Power blades from a seller who at the time had nearly 500/100% positive feedback. He had also only sold these blades and no other products. On this basis I should have had no issue with the blades being genuine.However after ten days they hadn't arrived, and after looking at his feedback, I noticed a couple of remarks about them being fake. When they eventually arrived I noticed that the blades were very loose and uneven. I also checked them against to discover that they should have a serial number; which they didn't. I openeded a Paypal dispute which I immediately escalated to to a claim. I later notified the seller of my actions and my reasons. The seller didn't contest, and even told me to keep the blades; which I later sent to Gillette. I eventually received confirmation from them that they were counterfeit, and was also sent a


Fake GHD's

I bought a pair of what was advertised as brand new GHD's from Waveriders in September 07, they blew up stright away so i returned them. It took 3 months to replace them and in January 08 the replacements have stopped working. I contacted GHD directly as they came with a guarantee and was told they were counterfeit. I have contacted they seller but he refuses to refund me or send me another pair.Please beware i am

Orignal From: Fake GHD's

Remington Design Straightener Vs GHD

Ihave always wanted a pair of GHD hair straightners but often thought they where far to dear, i have had many hair straightners in the past but my mum bought me these for christmasand i must say they are the best straightners i have ever used, they heat up really really quickly and go up to temperatures of 230 i have never used a pair of GHD's but i bet these are just as good if not better and at such a good price of only

Orignal From: Remington Design Straightener Vs GHD

buying a tattoo machine !!!!!

When buying a machine you will normally find that you get what you pay for. Don't expect to get a machine that will run and last for years for

Orignal From: buying a tattoo machine !!!!!

thinking of buying a stairlift

This is advice for anyone thinking of buying a stairlift.Make sure before the rep. comes to you that the price is as advertised. Also that it may be better to rent one.I recently purchased a lift from a well known companyadvertised at

Orignal From: thinking of buying a stairlift


I have to go along with what 1Porschegirl said - the items are all fakes. Did you know that selling these constitues breach of copyright (without the express permission of the manufacturer, Prcoter

Orignal From: ORAL B

Brush away cellulite

Buy a body brush from boots must me natural bristles and for 5/10 min's brush from ankle upto thigh always in the direction of your heart,then circular movements around your bottem then brushhandsthen arms ,tummy,and chest.Do this before your shower on dry skin youwill feel a light warm glow don't go to hard you will look and feel great and after a short time it will smooth that dimple skin belive me it works for men

Orignal From: Brush away cellulite

Using Essential Oils

I am by no means a qualified aromatherapist but with the help of Veronica Sibley's book, Aromatherapy Solutions, I have compiled a basic guide on the use ofessential oils .SafetyBefore usingessential oils it is definitely worth carrying out a skin-patch test to see whether you could be allergic or sensitive to the oil. Apply 2 drops of theessential oil to an antiseptic-free plaster.Place on the inside of the lower forearm and leave for 48 hours.Sensitivities toessential oils can show up almost immediately, or can take several hours to appear. If an adverse reaction does occur then the following steps should be taken:Wash the skin gently with fragrance-free soap. This will remove oils from the surface.Expose the skin to the air (not to sunlight). This will help the oil to evaporate.If in doubt, always consult your doctor for advice.The main ways of usingessential oils are massage, bathing, inhalation and vaporizing.Massage:Massage is an important part of anaromatherapy treatment. Touching is a very sensuous and comforting part of human interaction. For massage, theessential oils are always blended in vegetable-based carrier or base oils . For adults, add up to 6 drops of essential oil to 15mlbase oil l. Use an oil, or blend of oils, recommended to benefit a particular condition you want to treat.For children under12 years old, add 2 drops of essential oil to 20ml base oil .For children under3 years old, add 1 drop of essential oil to 50ml organic sunflower oil (vegetablebase oils can contain nuts or seed, which could be a potential allergenic).Bathing:Bathing is another effective way of usingessential oils . They are usually used in a bath but can be used while showering, or in a hand or foot bath.Run a warm bath; add up to 4-6 drops ofessential oil .If you suffer with dry or sensitive skin, add theessential oil to 10ml of unscented foam or milk base.Allow yourself to soak in the bath for at least 10 minutes, giving time for theessential oils to penetrate the body and relax and soothe you.If using in the shower, add 6 drops ofessential oil to 50ml of unscented shower gel, and use as normal.If using in a hand or foot bath, blend 5 drops ofessential oil to 10ml unscented bath milk base, and add to a bowl of warm water. Soak for 10-20 minutes.Inhalation:A simple way of inhaling oils is to put 1-2 drops of neatessential oil onto a handkerchief or tissue and inhale when required. Steam inhalation is very useful for relieving colds, headaches, congestion and catarrh. For a safe and effective steam inhalation, follow these instructions:Place 600-1000ml of warm water into a bowl.Add 2-6 drops ofessential oil .Put a towel over your head and over the bowl, close your eyes and inhale the vapours deeply through your nose for about 1 minute.Repeat the inhalation several times a day if required.Do not use the inhalation method on young children or babies.Vaporizing:There are several ways of vaporizingessential oils to create a perfumed atmosphere in a room:Burners - Usually ceramic, soapstone or metal pot with a small reservoir at the top, which holds water. Add up to 10 drops ofessential oil into the water. A tealight candle is placed in theburner , and the heat from the flame vaporizes the oil. Diffusers - These are electric untis especially designed for safety and use with essential oils . Up to 12 drops ofessential oil may be added to the diffuser, and when plugged in and working they do not overheat.Humidifiers - A saucer of water with up to 12 drops ofessential oils placed on top of a radiator will act both as a vaporizer and as a humidifier.Room Sprays - Fill a plant spray bottle with 300ml warm water and add up to 10 drops ofessential oil . Shake before use.Perfume - Blend abase oil with an essential oil , or blend of oils. Pour the blend into a bottle and use it as you would a normal perfume.

Orignal From: Using Essential Oils

make the most of your perfume

Do you want to have the most of your perfume? Here is a little trick how to do it. I have recently started to use perfume from Calvin Klein Euphoria. When i applied it on me it lasted around 3 hours on my body and hair and little far longer on my clothes, but there is just problem that on clothes it leaves marks which if you like white colour of light colours generally is not very good. Perfumes contain alcohol which generally dehydrates your skin so it means that perfume absorbs far faster and doesnt last so long. To prevent dehydration of your skin use body lotion. I use body lotion of Euphoria everytime after having bath or before applying perfume on me. Now my perfume lasts around 6 or 7 hours which is already ok for me. Hope your result will be the same and if this was little bit helpfull to you, please vote for me. Thanks.

Orignal From: make the most of your perfume

How to create a spa at home on a budget

Paupers Pampering-creating a home spa for lessWhen someone says pampering we often dream of expensive spas in the middle of rural England with fluffy towels, deep skin detox treatments, the facials, the glamorous pedicures

Orignal From: How to create a spa at home on a budget

What is a Mala and How to Use it...

What is a Mala(may also bereferred toas Prayer Beads, Rosary Beads)A mala is a set of prayer or rosary beads that is traditionally used for reciting prayers or mantras, which in turn disperses evil leaving a feeling of peace and tranquillity.Malas have been used for many thousands of years in different religions, from Tibetan Buddhism to Hinduism and Christianity. They are very often given as gifts for protection.A full size mala would have 108 beads plus a Guru bead (the large finishing bead at the beginning/end, very often different from the others), although you will find shorter malas and wrist malas (sometimes called power beads) which may have less. There are also many different styles and colours of mala from wooden beads to crystals. Which one you choose is a matter of personal preference.The concept of using your mala is the same no matter what style and how many beads there are.Using your MalaTo use your mala start with the bead immediately after the Guru bead, gradually feeding the mala through your fingers (typically the left hand is used) moving from one bead to the next.As you hold each bead recite your mantra or prayer, then move to the next bead and do the same, continue this all the way round the mala until you reach the Guru bead again then, ifyou have not completedreciting your mantra,reverse direction. The Guru bead should not be crossed, this is believed to be a sign of respect, at this point reverse direction and continue reciting your mantra or prayer on each bead until you reach the Guru bead again.Use your mala for reciting a mantra or prayer and/or in meditation to bring inner peace and tranquillity.MantrasI have listed below a few mantras that you may wish to use..Om Mani Padme HumThis mantra can be recited by all to compliment meditation practice, it assists in the removal of suffering and confusion experience by all in life.Om Shree Ma-Ha Laksmi-Yei Swa HaAbundance - this mantra will bring you what you need such as good health, love etc.Om Gum Ganapatayei NahmahaMoving obstacles - this mantra will assist in clearing obstacles in your life, thus helping you to move forward.Recite your mantra 108 times in the morning and again in the evening, using the mala to count as you go. This may seem a lotbut once you are familiar with your mantra you will find it comes easily and naturally.Looking after your MalaYour mala should always be treated with care. The beads can be wiped with a damp cloth if necessary and a crystal mala can be smudged in incense to cleanse it.Click here to view Malas in my Crystals World ebay shop

Orignal From: What is a Mala and How to Use it...

How to wash your hair

How To How To Wash Your HairBelieve it or not, a lot of mistakes are made every day while simply washing the dust and dirt out of your hair. Here's what you need to know. Here's How:1. Hair should be saturated with water before applying shampoo. This is more important than you might realize.2. The amount of shampoo used should be according to the length of your hair. Long hair should use only about a tablespoon. Shorter hair, obviously less.3. Massage scalp to loosen the dead skin cells. This is often what becomes dandruff.4. Rinse well. We don't spend enough time rinsing the soap from our hair. Be sure to check the hair line before you go on to the next step.5. Apply conditioner and distribute to the ends. This is the oldest and most damaged area and needs all the help it can get. Try to leave the conditioner on your hair for about a minute.6. Rinse if necessary. Be sure to check whether you are using a traditional conditioner or a leave in variety.7. Squeeze as much water from your hair as possible.8. Blot your hair with a towel to absorb excess water. Never rub as the cuticles can catch on the fibres causing more damage.9. If time allows, allow hair to air dry.

Orignal From: How to wash your hair


Top Ten Shopping_TipsTryterms likecoffret, EDP and testerin your search termsDecidewhat strength perfume you want.Eau de parfum (EDP) is the most popular perfume type. Know if you are bidding for 5 ml or 50ml. Buying larger sizes is generally a cheaper way of buying perfume per ml than smaller quantities. If buying US products, 1.7fl oz is equivalent to 50ml, 3.4fl oz is 100ml etc (isn't metric better!). If you are buying perfume as a gift, choose a fragrance your partner already wears or bid for something from the same perfume group. Women's fragrances divide intofourgroups: fresh fragrances that are zesty,oriental fragrances with warm and spicy tones; woody fragrances with earthy notes like cedar or sandalwood and floral fragrances,the largest group. Men's colognes are divided into fresh, aromatic and woody types. Sellers will tell you what type a fragrance is. Know how much you would payif you bought a perfumein the shops. Knowwhether perfumes advertised as new really are up to the minute. Ralph Lauren's Pure Turquoise is so new you'll have to buy it from an international seller this side of Christmas. Britney Spears' latest perfume is Fantasy; Curious is last season's. Sprays are considered the best way to apply a perfume to the body, but they are not the most flexible dispenser. For example, if you want to add scent to the water in your steam iron, a splash bottle is better. Body lotions, washes and soaps have the lowest concentration of perfume essence. Perfume manufacturers send tester bottles and small samples in vials to retailers for you to try before you buy. These often come up for sale on ebay. Tester bottles may be marked Not for Resale orhave different packaging so may not be best for a gift. Samples in vials are given away free in the shops.Perfume GlossaryAftershave - weaker scent than eau de cologne, a lightly scented lotion, gel or balm applied after shaving to soothe and smooth the skin Coffret - gift sets usually sold at Christmas time that generally offer better value for a set of items than buying them individually Cologne - the French name for the German city of Koln where the first modern perfume, called Eau de Cologne, was produced. The word is used today for men's fragrances Eau de Cologne (EDC) - also called cologne, a dilted fragrance with 3 - 5% perfume essence. Lasts for at least two hours Eau de Parfum (EDP) - lighter than perfume, EDP has 8 - 15% perfume essence and typically lasts for at least six hours Eau de Toilette (EDT) - delicate fragrance with 4 - 8% perfume essence. Lasts for at least three hours Fragrance - a perfume's scent Notes - the name given to scents present in a perfume. Most perfumes have three notes, a top, middle and bottom note that evaporate one by one Perfume (Parfum) - the strongest fragrance available with 15 - 30% perfume essence. Last at least eight hours Perfumed soaps, body lotions, body washes etc - products that contain the weakest concentration of perfume essence. Shopping_Tips recommendsIf you are unsure what to buy,here are some suggestions based on perfumes that scored the highest number of compliments in our tests and which also rated highly for packaging and lasting power. Figures in brackets are what you would typically pay in the shops for 50ml of EDP, unless stated otherwise.For women: Fresh perfumes: Donna Karen Be Delicious (

Orignal From: Perfume

Glasses. How To Choose A Frame That Best Suits You.

Please Rate This Guide If You Find This Guide Helpful.......THANK YOU!!!How To Choose A Frame or Eye GlassesThat Suits You:Glasses To Suit Your Face Shape:Choosing a pair of frames can be a daunting and time consuming experience. I can safely say this, from my personal experience.When you visitGC Eyewear Direct or walk into an opticians, there are just so many frames to choose from it can be overwhelming.Here are some tips that will help you narrow down your choices: Dispensing Opticians suggest that, as a general rule, you choose a frame that is the opposite of your face shape.Round:Complement a round face with an angular frame.Square:Soften a square face with a frame with curves.Diamond:Balance this face shape with a round frame.Oblong:You can make an oblong face appear shorter by choosing a frame, which covers the centre of the face, as much as possible.Heart:Avoid choosing a frame, which is top-heavy. Choose one that has a bolder lower rim instead.Oval:Most shapes and styles are suitable for an oval-shaped face.Dispensing Opticians also advise that the overall size of the frame should be in proportion to the size of your face. So don

Orignal From: Glasses. How To Choose A Frame That Best Suits You.

How to check for head lice.

IntroductionSymptoms of head lice include frequent head-scratching and/or the sudden appearance of dandruff-like white flecks in the hair. You may receive a note from your child's school reporting that another class member has a case of head lice. In all of these instances, you should examine your child's head for lice. Although not harmful they are uncomfortable and spread easily and quickly. Head lice have become quiet resiliant to modern methods of erradication.InstructionsDifficulty: Easy Steps1 Step One Be sure there is adequate lighting when checking your child

Orignal From: How to check for head lice.

Don't buy fake Nikes off t3nxy

This seller is passing fake Nike airmax's off as genuine items. I mistakenly bought a pair and have had it comfirmedfrom both a Nike dealer and then Nike themselfs as we e-mailed the serial numbers to them. He has been accused of this before but then claims the buyer has tryed to use a stolen credit card, check his feedback (as I should have done) and see how many times he has tried to pull this trick.I also received this from Yeah, they're defo fake mate and he knows it. He bought them from a Chinese wholesaler for about 5 dollars a pair, so he know it alright. I bet he's got one of those 'letters of authenticity from Nike' too, yeah?Maybe mention Trading Standards if the fake peddler won't co-operate.

Orignal From: Don't buy fake Nikes off t3nxy

Take Your Time When Shaving - Enjoy Yourself!

For many men, shaving is at best a necessary evil and at worst a downright pain. So why learn to shave with a straight razor? After all, they take practise to use properly, you have to strop them and care for them and basically they're a faff-about, aren't they?No. Sorry, I don't agree. Sure, the time you have to take is a bit longer than with your average bit of pre-set plastic-encased tin foil but - and it's a big but - the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The biggest advantage is that shaving with a straight razor cannot be hurried. This slows you down and breaks the frantic gotta-get-dressed-get-to-work-yadayada of the mornings. Not enough time for this kind of shave? Get up a bit earlier! If that sounds terrible, just give it a try - after a week or so it'll become the norm and you'll feel better anyway.Now to shaving with a straight razor. I've written quite a bit on my website and in other guides about the actual shaving process but a really important part of that process is lathering the face with good-quality shaving soap applied with a decent saving brush. The - perhaps most important - leaving the lather on your face for a couple of minutes before shaving. This does two things. It gives the lather time to soften your bristles properly and - slows you down. I use these few minutes to strop the razor, check out of the window to see what the day's about and just - slow - down. By the way, unlike shave foam, good quality shave-soap lather won't dry on your face within seconds of application - plus you don't need to use scalding-hot water for your shave either. Hand-hot is plenty hot enough.Now this may seem a strange thing to do to those men out there who slap some aerosol shave foam on their face and swipe their multiblade around. Sure, they probably get a close shave - but they don't get a good shave. To them, shaving is just a function they perform in the morning so that they can go to work with a smooth face. I have no problem with that but - If they only tried an older, less frantic way! Why not give it a go? Once you have made the 'transition' - a matther of a week or two - you'll wonder why you didn't do it years ago.

Orignal From: Take Your Time When Shaving - Enjoy Yourself!

Do you TRUST your seller?

To Buy or not to BuyAs with all things entering your body, its only natural you should feel concerned.Just a brief guide to remind you to ALWAYS do the following:Before you buy a health supplement on eBay, ALWAYS check the sellers feedback as both a seller and a buyerCheck there previous sales / current salesGoogle the item in question

Orignal From: Do you TRUST your seller?

How to Remove Chewing Gum from Children's Hair

Children and chewing gum just don

Orignal From: How to Remove Chewing Gum from Children's Hair

Anya Hindmarch fakes

Anya Hindmarch fakes have started to appear on ebay. If the seller is unable to provide any authentication, such as a receipt or a numbered registration card, which is normally supplied with all AH bags, you should contact one of the Anya Hindmarch shops (the phone numbers are available on their website.) They will then give you an email address to which you can send a photograph and they will be able to immediately authenticate it for you. Please note that authentic AH bags are heavily 'signed' that is they have labels and the metalwork is normally engraved with her name or initials, zips may have tiny tassels, with gold studs engraved with her name.. Bags with no engraving will be fakes. But the real hallmark of an Anya Hindmarch bag is the very high production values. Leather bags will be lined in suede. If a bag looks cheap, it's a fake. Also it seems likely that with sky high current demand for I'm Not a Plastic Bag totes, these must now be being faked.

Orignal From: Anya Hindmarch fakes

Loosing weight

If you are looking for slimming tablets that work, I would suggest that you give SILVER SLIMMING a go, they are fantastic in my view,I have lost 2st 1lb in the last 5 months, I have found that when taking the silver slimming tablets i have not been hungry at all, which is half the battle when trying to loose weight. I have tryed a number of different slimming tablets before finding ones that actualy work for me, the only side effect's I had on these tablets was, at the very beginning of starting to take them i used to get the shakes, but that soon passed, and now and again I find that sleeping is a little difficult, when this happens I cut down on the amount I take during a day and then there is not a problem. Believe me if you find loosing weight hard work it is well worth it.Good luck Jo xxx

Orignal From: Loosing weight

Paypal Chargebacks

I wanted to write this guide so that I may warn other good sellers like myself who have been trading on Ebay for a while or are new to selling of Paypal chargebacks which I am sure other sellers have already experienced.It is outrageous that whenever there is a chargeback from a buyer, Paypal always accepts their reason without question. I can to a certain degree understand, but I have had two chargebacks from buyers and in both cases Paypal has honoured the buyer and I was left with nothing despite the fact that I have paid all my fees. I am aware that Paypal do offer protection to the buyer and seller, but I cannot see where the seller is protected against these dishonest buyers. The last chargeback Paypal emailed me to notify that they were investigating the matter, eventually they emailed me to say that the chargeback has been granted to the buyer as I have not provided a tracking number for the item I shipped. Postage costs are already high and adding the extra for signed-for delivery with tracking especially outside the UK does not seem feesable for the buyer and definitely not the seller. How can a seller ever run a business if they have to charge every buyer a signed-for delivery. The only way I found helpful although not yet proven, is to ship within three working days rather than specifiy in my listings that I will ship the next day. I do think that this method is good for unauthorised Paypal or credit card users and it gives enough time for Paypal to scrutinise the transaction and warn the seller, hopefully, in time. So sellers, all I can say is watch out, beware and definitely follow the rules of scrutinising your transactions even if it means you have to cancel bids.

Orignal From: Paypal Chargebacks

One of a Kind Tattoo Machines by Tyler Mason

I Bought a Tattoo Machine from this guy here on E-bay from the States, Tyler Mason.He Hand builds all of his machines and tunes them himself, I took a chane and it paid off. This Guy knows what he is doing, My Machine runs sweet as a nut and i didn't have to change a thing.

Orignal From: One of a Kind Tattoo Machines by Tyler Mason

lovely lush,guide to prices.

Hi,as a big lush fan I can't help notice lots of people out there are as keen on the heavenly smells as I am but be carefull, unless you live outside of the mainland U.K. you can pay just

Orignal From: lovely lush,guide to prices.


Please can someone tell me how to spot fake perfumes on ebay??Having bought a few which are genuine enough- I still find some seem different than others in color and bottle tops/ I know that time can change color or odour - but that doesnt make it a fake?? I have taken to carefully opening the item to check authenticity - but then i was accused ofselling a bottle [which was genuine] because id opened it // H ow can i win?? I have not and never would deliberately do such a thing as ive used chanel 5 for over 50 yrs now- im beginning to think some people bid and then demand their money back - as theyve changed their minds. G reedy or what //



I bought this as buy it now for 53p, I thought what have you got ot lose???? However, when i tried to pay through ebays link to paypal I kept getting a screen telling me I couldn't, that the service was temporarily unavaliable.How fortunate was it then that I got an email from the seller with a paypal linkl that actually worked!!!Yes you have it in one. Luckil;y I was suspicious enough to forward the links onto paypal and ebays customer services, and oh am i glad i did! The link leads you to a fake paypal address where you input your paypal details, and give all your bank, credit card details to the slimeball who i bought this off. Both ebay and paypal have told me they will accept NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER for any losses caused by following links outside ebay/paypal. Therefore if you do this, and the slimeball emptied your bank account, credit card and anything else you have attached to your paypal account you just have to eat the loss as its your fault.So luckily I would rather lose 1 neg feedback which i am sure i am going to get than pay someone 53p to give them access to all of my (very limited) funds.buyers beware, it sounds obvious but at midnight when your tired and pottering around ebay you can do the silliest of things, and you are liable for the losses because you gave away your details!happy, and safe, shopping everyone!KASSIE780802361


Choosing A Fragrance

Choosing a FragranceYou have an intimate and personal scent 'circle' around you stretching to about an arm's length. The scent within this 'space' is unique to you. Only those who step into your space will be aware of your scent.It is the fragrance you wear and it's reaction with your skin and body oils that gives off the unique scent you have.Those with dry skin absorb more of the fragrance and so should apply it more often.Fragrances should not smelt from the bottle as this will not give you the true scent. They should always be tested on the skin to give you the scent that is yours alone!Fragrance should be applied to pulse points. This is where the blood vessels are closest to the skin giving off more heat thereby radiating your scent. Pulse points are the wrist, behind the ear, the breasts, crook of the arm and knee, the lower neck and ankles! Your unique scent sends very personal, intimate and subtle messages to the ones you allow into your space! Your fragrance affects your mood and can make you feel exciting, upbeat, confident and sexy.You should wear it everyday and through the day because you're worth it!You can pass this gift of fun and excitement to your friends and loved ones by giving fragrance as presents!Keep the fun in your life and share it with others around you! There are different strengths of fragrance: they may smell the same but some last longer than others and some should be worn more often. Perfume or Parfum is the most concentrated: it has more essential oils and less alcohol and so it lasts longer. Eau De Toilette (EDT) is a little less concentrated than Perfume or Perfum and is the most popular. Cologne is used to describe a fragrance that contains a citrus, light, cool, crisp scent and is lighter than Perfume and Eau De Toilette. After Shave (AS) is lighter than cologne for men and is used to cool and smooth the skin after shaving. After Shave Balm is an emulsion-type of lotion to provide scent and moisture to the skin after shaving.

Orignal From: Choosing A Fragrance

Hypnotherapy CDs - Frequently Asked Questions/Answers

Self-Help Hypnosis CDs for Mind and Body Some Questions and Answers.What is Hypnosis? The fears, myths and mystery surrounding Hypnosis are totally undeserved. There is absolutely no question of being controlled or manipulated. You are not "unconscious" - you are often more aware of what is taking place than usual because your senses are functioning far more efficiently than normal.Anyone can be hypnotized although the degree varies from person to person. But people who might say or think, "Nobody could get me under", or "I wouldn't want anyone controlling my mind, or "I might blurt my secrets out", are really saying that they have a total misconception of what Hypnosis really is. The state of Hypnosis is very pleasant and deeply relaxing and it inconceivable that any harm could befall you as a result.A good definition of Hypnosis is: "A stage of relaxation and concentration combined with a state of heightened awareness, induced by suggestion.Self-Hypnosis Audio CDs use that combination of deep relaxation - Hypnosis, suggestion and heightened awareness to reach your subconscious mind where your desires, habits and personality characteristics are stored.So that, while you are listening and relaxing to theSelf-Hypnosis Audio CDsthe therapy of your choice is actively at work on your subconscious mind, and ultimately you'll find any unwanted traits have slipped quietly away and have been replaced by the new, positive desires, attractive habit patterns and goal seeking characteristics that you wish to possess. How Does a Self-Help Hypnosis Audio CD Work? Each Hypnosis CD has a playing time of approximately 30 minutes. A soothing melody has been specially composed to put your mind in a receptive state. You may be invited to imagine you are lazing in the country-side on a summer's day with the peaceful murmuring of a babbling brook and woodland sounds around you.Or, you may be lying on a very soft, fleecy white towel on a beautiful golden sandy beach, basking in the warmth of the sun, while you idly listen to the waves gently lapping on the seashore, and the seagulls calling overhead.Or, perhaps you may be drifting, safe and secure in space, watching the tiny twinkling stars forming endless patterns in the night sky.But. over all, is the reassuring voice of the Hypnotherapist, using all the skills and techniques of her learning, with a specifically-aimed Therapy of your choice.The chosen Therapy relies on words, and we have all been conditioned since birth to associate words with feelings.Words are, therefore, one of the "tools" which are used to produce the feelings and results that we want. The other "tools" are those of Hypnosis: imagination, visualisation and suggestion. Where Should I Listen To My Self-Help Hypnotherapy CD? For optimum results, ideally you should be able to relax in a room that is warm and free from disturbances. You may prefer to lie down on the bed or sit in a chair with your head supported. The use of headphones provides a listening experience in complete privacy. Under no circumstances should you attempt to listen whilst driving, operating machinery or at any time when your concentration is required! Research indicates that listening toSelf-Hypnosis Audio CDsonce a day for the first 14 days and then as required is a good general guide for most people. Many people prefer to continue to use them on a regular basis because the find the experience so deeply relaxing. This of course is a matter of personal preference. How Often Should I Play The CD? Self-Help CDs can help to play a complementary role alongside conventional medicine.VisitMystery and Magicand our eBay Store.Wewish you Health and HappinessNo diagnosis or cures are implied.Do not stop or alter any prescribed medicines without consulting your Doctor. If you are in any doubt, please consult a qualified medical practitioner. No claims or liability will be accepted whatsoever.

Orignal From: Hypnotherapy CDs - Frequently Asked Questions/Answers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HeadBlade Razor Blades

I have created the following guide to the razor blades/cartridges and adaptors that can be used with the HeadBlade head shaving razor.Gillette Atra (Plus) is the cartridge originally supplied and still recommended by HeadBlade (a US company). Schick Ultrex (Plus) are also compatible.Gillette Contour (Plus) is the equivalent of Gillette Atra (Plus) in the UK. Wilkinson Sword Profile (Plus) is the equivalent of Schick Ultrex (Plus). Own brand twin blade cartridges that are compatible with the major brands mentioned are also possible.HeadBlade DoubleBlade

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Essential and vegetable oil buying guide

When looking to buy essential or vegetable (base) oils you can be quite dumfounded by the array of oils and claims regarding origins, purity, organics, chemistry and so on but it really isn't that difficult if you understand the basics of the essential oil market. Understanding the marketFirstly, understand that the oils come from plants which are grown the world over - sometimes wild, sometimes grown on farms and sometimes cultivated commercially in vast greenhouses.Secondly, understand that there are many methods of extracting oil from plants - sometimes the oil is distilled using steam. Some oils are extracted by "squeezing" as in the case of citrus oils. Sometimes using infusion whereby the plant is put into an oil(usually sunflower) and its essence "infuses" into the host (as with Calendula or Carrot) or maceration when the plant is chopped up and put into a carrier (again usually Sunflower). Sometimes the plant is "pressed" as with Olive or Wheat and many of the nutoils. Sometimes, a solvent is used(as with Camelia) or a tree can be "tapped" and the oil simply exudes out of the "wound".Thirdly, understand that good quality essential and base oils can be very expensive which gives a major opportunity to the less scrupolous to makea lot of money by selling inferior oils or blending expensive oils with cheaper oils or adding synthetic oils (made in a laboratory) to natural oils or even passing off synthetic oils as natural.Now for some simple facts:25% more Lavender is sold than grown - Good quality Lavender is often blended withcheaper variants to make up the missing 25%. Country of origin usually means the country an oil is bottled in - not necessarily where the plant was grown -a good example being the citrus fruits which are harvested for their juice and the remnants thenpulped and sold on to those who extract the oil who sell on to those who store the oil which is then marked as being from the country in which the holding tanks/bottling plants are regardless of where the fruit was actually grown. Do remember that (as with wine), whatever is in the soil and air is in the plant and that weather conditions can produce good or bad years for crops therefore a grower might produce excellent oil one year and poor oil the next."Organic" means that a farm or commercial growing operation has been certified by the soil association but the many of the best growers around the world and those that gather wild plants can never produce "organic" oils because it is only really feasible to certify commercially farmed plants as "organic" but, farmed plants are often lacking much of what only mother nature and the weather can put into a plant.Before buyingAsk yourself what you need from the oil you want to buy. If you want to make some product using Frankincense then it's fine to buy the Indian Boswelia Thurifera but if treating chest complaints then you'll have to pay almost double to get the Somalian Boswelia Carterii. If you are making soap then it's OK to buy the East African Sandalwood Osyris (one of the cheapest variants)Tenifolia or the Australian Santalum Spicatum or, indeed, any number of other variants but, if you are treating urinary infections orwant something to impact on some other physiological or psychological issue then youwill have to pay more than twice as much to get Santalum Albumtaken from the ancient woodlands of Mysore/India (the most expensive variant). In Britain, we have had a couple of years of bad weather and this has resulted in poor crops across the board - this means that British variants of Chamomile, Lavender, Mustard and others are cheaper now but you must remember that they are cheaper for a reason.This year we have switched our buying from English Chamomile Roman to Chilean. Our Lavender this year is Bulgarian and our Mustard from Holland because, therapeutically speaking, they have produced the best oils.When buyingThere are many people selling oils on EBay, onlineand on the high street - nearly all boast "100% Pure Oils" and many offer all manner of certification and prices can vary enormously - so when you see someoneselling Sandalwood at

Orignal From: Essential and vegetable oil buying guide

Using your ST8 Hair Straighteners

How to Choose a Good Quality Hair StraightenerThe more expensive hair straighteners generally have better features and heat up more quickly than the cheaper hair straighteners. The most common problem encountered with ceramic hair straighteners and other hair irons is that the hair iron is not hot enough to straighten hard to manage hair. Choose carefully as not all hair irons are the same! We recommend that the higher temperature straighteners (170 degrees and above) produce the best results.High temperature results in less hair stress and faster styling. Straighteners with smaller width plates are perform for straightening and flipping and twisting hair such as the ST8 Hair Irons.

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Cleansing Crystals..

There are many ways to cleanse mined from the earth crystal, but there are drawbacks with some methods. The ancient smudging is a good way, but some people don't like the smoke (personally I love the smell of sage or incense and smudge my home

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Body Piercing Training Courses

Body Piercing Training - For More detail click hereWhether you require a body piercing course, advanced training, or a tailor made package, there is something for you in our comprehensive range of professional body piercing courses and services. Each Pierce Artist Training option has been designed, and is delivered by, Pierce Artist's senior piercer Tracy Perkins. Tracy, who has over 10 years of professional body piercing experience, has owned and managed a series of highly successful body piercing salons throughout both the UK and Europe.Tracy, as well as teaching advanced body piercing methods for 6 years, runs and manages, a highly successful body piercing consultancy service which has helped many people to open their own salons, realise their dreams and achieve their primary goal of running a successful body piercing business. Four Day Professional Body Piercing CourseThe Professional Body Piercing Course is our most popular training option for for people wishing to learn body piercing. The course provides in-depth theoretical and practical information and is geared towards people without any previous body piercing experience. This training course is broken down over four one day modules, which can be taken over consecutive days or spread over specific dates to suit your schedule requirements. The objective of this course is to provide students with a clear set of guidelines, safe practical piercing skills and a foundation from which they can build their body piercing skills upon. Each day is split into two sections. Body piercing technique and practical body piercing. At the end of each day students will have the opportunity to put the theory into practice and pierce a series of models in the parts of the body they have trained on that day.Course TopicsStudents will first undergo a theory course which provides the background information relevant to body piercing. The other three modules focus on practical piercing training. The Navel and Tongue Piercing Module The Nipples and Facial Piercing Module The Nose and Ear piercing Module Completion of the course will provide provide persons wishing to enter into a career in body piercing with an in-depth working knowledge and understanding of body piecing and the body piercing industry as well as practical skills and techniques. The course is held at the Pierce Artist Training centre in ManchesterModule 1 - Body Piercing Theory The Body Piercing Theory module is based over one day. The objective of the course is to deliver in-depth information about the most relevant factors that affect and govern the body piercing industry. Over the day there will be practical exercises and demonstrations. Topics covered include a medical overview relevant to body piercing, tools training and technique, health and safety, customer service, jewellery selection and placement, practical piercing theory, studio management, record keeping, sterilisation and body piercing law. Complementary refreshments and lunch will be servedModule 2 - Navel and Tongue The Navels and Tongue module is an intensive one day course, broken into two parts; the first part is devoted to learning the placement of the piercings, the jewellery selection, tools skills and the various piercing techniques, with the second part being given over to practical body piercing. Models will be provided for the practical body piercing session. The types of practical piercings undertaken by students will be decided by the availability of models. This course will provide students with a firm grounding on the safe efficient and hygienic method of piercing the navel and Tongue regions as well as practical skills. During the Navel and Tongue module you will be taught to pierce efficiently and accurately using the innovative industry leading Pierce Artist tool set. Complementary refreshments and lunch will be servedModule 3 - Facial and Nipple The Facial and Nipple module is an intensive one day course, broken into two parts; the first part is devoted to learning the placement of the piercings, the jewellery selection, tools skills and the various piercing techniques, with the second part being given over to practical body piercing. Models will be provided for the practical body piercing session. The types of practical piercings undertaken by students will be decided by the availability of models. This course will provide students with a firm grounding on the safe efficient and hygienic method of piercing the nipple and facial regions as well as practical skills. Complementary refreshments and lunch will be servedModule 4 - Nose and EarThe Nose and Ear module is an intensive one day course, broken into two parts; the first part is devoted to learning the placement of the piercings, the jewellery selection, tools skills and the various piercing techniques, with the second part being given over to practical body piercing. Models will be provided for the practical body piercing session. The types of practical piercings undertaken by students will be decided by the availability of models. This course will provide students with a firm grounding on the safe efficient and hygienic method of piercing the nose and ear regions as well as practical skills. Complementary refreshments and lunch will be served.About the TutorEach Pierce Artist Training module has been designed and is delivered by Pierce Artist's senior piercer Tracy Perkins. Tracy, who has over 10 years of professional body piercing experience and has owned and managed a series of highly successful body piercing salons throughout both the UK and Europe.Tracy has been teaching advanced body piercing methods for 7 years and is a regular exhibitor at leading Tattoo and body piercing conventions including The State of the Art convention at Derby, The Mantra show in Cheltenham, The granite City Tattoo convention in Aberdeen. Dublin Tattoo show and The Cardiff Tattoo Show. In recognition of her industry leading position.Tracy is regularly invited as a guest speaker at piercing events and seminars throughout the country and is widely acknowledged as the designer of the world's first surgical standard body piercing instrument set designed specifically for body piercing. These revolutionary body piercing tools are used internationally by many of the world's leading body piercers and are widely accepted as the most innovative breakthrough in body piercing instrument technology. Tracy also runs a highly successful body piercing consultancy service which has helped many people to open their own salons, realise their dreams and achieve their primary goal of running a successful body piercing business. She could also help you to open your very own studio and put your new skills into practice for yourself.Student Comments''Fast, fun, fierce. Definitely a new breed of piercing. Quality service, Very enjoyable and educational. I would highly recommend. 'Enjoyed the course very much.'' Stephen Lovell Medical Student Liverpool ''Fantastic I would definitely recommend the training to anyone that seriously wants to become a piercer. Very professionally delivered. I can't say enough. really good fun learnt loads.'' Aime Shimmin. Customer Services Representative Bradford ''Brilliant course, I would highly recommend. the course to anyone who is considering a career in body piercing'' Brett Proctor. Builder Rochdale''Brilliant! Learnt so much, got so much practice in. Tracy was fantastic, very professional, friendly and helpful. I feel confident doing piercing now. Thank you so much! '' Laura. Student Bolton

Orignal From: Body Piercing Training Courses

Aromatherapy: The Art and the Facts!

Aromatherapy was introduced to the UK in the 1950's by Madame Margeurite Maury. Her first assistant was Micheline Arcier; (her second assistant was Daniel Ryman). They opened the first Aromatherapy Clinic in the world in London. I had the preveledge to have been trained by Madame Micheline Arcier, both in my basic qualification and subsequently on two advanced courses.Madame Arcier worked closely with Dr. Jean Valnet - a French physician who combined the use of drugs with herbal medicines. Dr. Valnet together with a scientist called Mssr. Gattfosse together experimented with the anti-bacterial/fungal/viral effects of Essential Oils using double blind and other scientific methods. The results were impressive.An interesting historical point..... people used to use "strewing herbs" on the floors of hospitals. According to Valnet staff realised that those rooms strewn with Thyme had less infection set in than those strewn with say, Camomile. The treading of the herbs underfoot was releasing the Essential Oil from the herbs! And so the experiments commenced.Aromatherapy in the UK really took off in the early 1990's. I was lucky enough to have had some training back in 1980 while at Beauty Therapy College in Nottingham. So when it became popular, I had a head start! I trained with Madame Arcier and got qualified in 1990.Since the popularity of Aromatherapy as a practice has increased, so sadly has the training courses available been "dumbed down". A good private course will cover - to nursing standards - anatomy, physiology, chemistry and pathology as well as study around 60 E. Oils. Many college courses study just three out of the seven systems of the body (skeletal, muscular, nervous, lymphatic, digestive, cirularatory

Orignal From: Aromatherapy: The Art and the Facts!

Body Piercing Guide - Piercing Types 2 - Facial

Body Piercing Guide 2Facial

Orignal From: Body Piercing Guide - Piercing Types 2 - Facial

So what does go into Soap?

Where do we start In the world we live today, we are surrounded with harmful pollutants and irritants which damage our bodies on a daily basis (cancer is now more widespread than ever!). We at Purdie's believe in going back to nature by using organic botanicals, herbs and naturally pure ingredients. Here are just some of those harmful ingredients regularly used in many of today's soap products:Fragrance: Many of the 4000 compounds within fragrances can be carcinogenic or toxic none of which are required to be listed on a product label - just the word fragrance.Artificial Colours: Some just irritate, most are known carcinogens and contain heavy lead content.Parabens: A preservative. In a 2004 study of 20 breast tumours, 100% contained Parabens (BBC Website 11 April 2004: Dr Dabre, p Reading University).Propylene Glycol: A main component in anti-freeze which damages the kidneys and liver and likely to be contaminated with 1.4-dioxane, a recognised carcinogenic.Methyl Chloroisothiazolinine

Orignal From: So what does go into Soap?


Shivams on eBay - Click HereHenna Preparation


Benefit Cosmetic Fakes!

Beware there are a lot of Benefit fakes out there, I know because I have received fakes 4 times in a matter of weeks! Products that I have found to be fake are the following, Dandelion, Thrrrob, Georgia,You Rebel Lite, Dr Feelgood, Bad Gal Black, Justine Case and High Beam. Quite a list! but I'm sure there must be more products out there. You will find a lot of the products that I have mentioned for sale oneBayat the moment at incredibly cheap prices, just ask yourself are they real? The chances are they are not. Luckily I'm very familar with the product and can tell more or less straightaway that the product is a fake, as well as the difference in print, the packages are just not so precise and finished off as well as the genuine product, the colours are different, the weight of the product is lighter and goodness knows what ingredients are going in to these products that are going to end up on your face and near your eyes! Bad Gal mascara is quite an easy one to spot if you are not wholly familiar with the packaging, which is usually quite scuffed, the mascara tube has a slight indentation at the base of the tube, the genuine tube is flush with the manufacture code stamped on it. I hope the above is of interest, please be aware!

Orignal From: Benefit Cosmetic Fakes!

Which Tattoo Needle.

A tattoo needle is actually a group of several small needles called sharps attached to a needle bar.Also Known As: grouping, single, liner, round, flat, magnum, shaderNeedles can be made in groups of 3, 5, 7 or more, depending on what the artist is comfortable with and what the design calls for. Occasionally, a single needle can be used for fine lining. The sharps are soldered to a needle bar, and the bar is placed in the tattoo machine through a tube. Needle groups also come in different shapes such as round (for lining) and flat or Magnum (for shading). Shaders are generally two rows of needle sharps spaced intermitantly in a flat shape. The most common grouping are 3 Liner for lining, 7 Round Shader and 7 Magnum for shading.

Orignal From: Which Tattoo Needle.




Slimming / Dieting Pills Fact or Fiction?

.Slimming pills at a glance appear to be a quick fix and easy way to drop weight tempting you with miracle drugs that cause instant and effective results.Coming from a sports science background I can almost 100% verify that they lead to almost no weight loss, the primary components of "dieting pills" is caffeine which cause an increase in your metabolic functions giving the feeling of surplus energy which could encourage you to partake in exercise but will not cause increased weight loss. Other problems with caffeine are that it is an addictive substance, im sure a large percentage of you consume tea or coffee and some of us consume a little too much, when the pots empty you enter withdrawal. Drinks such as red-bull are high in caffeine approx 200mg / can. (Approx 4-5 cups of coffee) and consuming this amount of caffeine on a regular basis can lead to addiction. Most dieting pills contain 250mg-350mg of caffeine which is the same as 5-7 cups of coffee, the drug caffeine does have some positives itcan lead to performanceimprovement during high intensity aerobic exercise and reaction timeshence why it is a prohibited IOC substance but does not lead to weight loss.Leading back to the dieting pills substances such as xenocal (Lipase Inhibitor) which stops your body from breaking down and digesting fat are proven effectivewith a calorie controlled diet, can lead to weight loss but are only prescribed to subjects with high BMI (Body Mass Index) generally in the categories of obese and above.Unfortunately folks the most effective means of losing weight is reducing your calorie intake marginally say 250-500 calories a day and repeated low intensity aerobic exercise. In English that means walking at a moderate pace or light jog at this intensity your body will burn fat instead or utilizing other energy pathways. Ideally this should be 20mins or longer in duration for example walking the dog and to loose weight in a safe manner you should expect no more that /- 2lbs a week.Another factor is that herbal medicine and alternativeremedies have no governing body or testing procedure unlike licensed drugs from your chemist or GP who have to seek approval and testingfrom the FDA or equivalent body(Food and Drug Agency). Meaning that the unlicensed herbaldrugs sold on eBay may contain similar contents to that of legitimate substances but they have not been screened andtested, their contents and quantities areunknown making slightly risky. In conclusion physiologically they provide limited improvement in weight loss which is atmost probablyattributed topsychosomatic response.(You think it

Orignal From: Slimming / Dieting Pills Fact or Fiction?


CHOOSING MAKE-UP TO COMPLIMENT BROWN EYES:the best tip is to choose make-up that will draw attention to your eyes. if you have brown eyes- your lucky as you can use pretty much any colour make-up. your daytime look can be dramatic or simple- its up to you as you can pull it off. this guide will talk you through different looks and explain how to create them and i'll also discuss what works best for you. enjoy!you lucky girls with brown eyes have lots of make-up options. you can choose to wear eyeliner or not. a lot of looks that would be too harsh for lighter eyes will look great on you. whn you are creating a dramatic eye, or emphasising the eye, remember to leave the rest of your make-up subtle.if you have light brown eyes, this is such an unusual colour it would be a shame not to highlight them so definately try the smoky look and experiment with lots of different colours. use lots of muted shaddows, liners and crayons.SMOKEY EYES:you cant go wrong with dark matted colours. the smokey eye look is great and so easy to achieve when you know how.youll need: eye primer (you dont NEED it but its best for keeping your eyeshaddow put), two shaddows (one light, one dark), eyeliner, eyeshaddow brush and mascara.firstly youll need to prep the lid, this is the key to keeping your eyeshaddow put all day long. this will also stop your shaddow melting into your eyelid crease after a few hours. to do this, start wil an eyeshaddow base/primer. try MAC's prep and prime eye or fresh freshface perfecting eye primer.then youll need to apply eyeliner. if your going for a typical black, brown or grey smoky eye, apply liner in one of those colours above your lash line, making the line thicker in the middle of the eye. if you want to go for something a little different ie a jewel-toned colour, then violet makes a gorgeous smoky eye, so line the eyes with a purple, blue, or deep green liner. again, mac make great eyeliners but i also like ones by tigi, maybelline and loreal, so experiment untill you find something you like using.then blend in the colour on the bottom of your lashes. for colour on the bottom (a key smoky eye look) youll need a lighter eyeliner. the key is to smudge it slightly. you can also apply a bit of shaddow to get a full smudge effect. personally, i find rimmel eyeshaddows great and theyre reasonably priced too!next, apply a light base colour. again, the key to the smoky eye is pairing a lighter base with a darker hue. i prefer nice cream shades for my base which are very readily available. sweep a light, shimmery shaddow over your lids to your brow bone. try stilla's whipped eye shaddows. they are of a kind of mousse consistency and really do seem to stay on forever. taupe and pearl are must-have blend in the darker colour, but keep the colour below the crease or youll risk looking like you have two black eyes. now that you have the base and eyeliner on, its time to get the smokey effect. you need a darker shade of eyeshaddow for this. using an eyeshaddow brush, blend in colour starting at your lash line and blending up. make sure to blend colour into the lash line so the eyeliner dissapears. stop the deep colour at the crease. then just double check your work to check that your eyes match and you can even blend the colour with a cotton bud if you want.almost done. finish with several coats of volumising mascara like dior's show mascara or loreal paris volume shocking more thing, remember to keep your lips to a nude colour otherwise you may end up looking a bit like a drag queen lol.PRETTY EYES:pretty, springtime eyes can be created using some of the new pastel, frosted eyeshaddow colours. try some of the new offbeat colours like pink or yellow. use them to line all the way around your eyes.again, firstly youll need to prep the lid, this is the key to keeping youreyeshaddow put all day long. this will also stop your shaddow meltinginto your eyelid crease after a few hours. to do this, start wil aneyeshaddow base/primer. try MAC's prep and prime eye or fresh freshfaceperfecting eye primer. then the rest is simple, just apply your colour, if you want two seperate colours then remember to blend, blend, blend. finish off with some brown or black mascara and there you have it, another great look.this look is great for eyes that are close set, use lighter coloured eyeshaddow on the inner portion of the lid towards the nose and darker eyeshaddow on the outer edge of the lid. (reverse technique should be used to apply eyeshaddow for widely spaced eyes).NEUTRAL COLOURS:the best make-up colours for brown eyes are actually neutrals. try colours in the brown family like taupes and peaches. l'oreal do some lovely neautral shades. try to somewhat coordinate your look. i dont mean your shaddow should be beige, your blush should be beige, and your lipstick should be beige. i dont mean a monotone colour, just a coordinated one.apply primer as described previously. apply eyeliner under the eyes (above eyelashes) and a thin lineabove the eyes close to the eyelashes. grab your eyeshadow brush that is thinnest and dab it in the eyeshadow. raise your eyebrows, find the crease of your upper eyelid(where you might feel the bone for the top of your eye socket), andthen take the brush and line it with the eyeshadow. do it as ifyou're holding a pencil and you're using it to draw on your eyes. do this to make a half circle above your eyes. (don't go too farout to the side of your face when doing this step).to do the bottom part of the eyeshadow, take out your thinbrushed eyeshadow brush again and dab it in your black eyeshadow.(tap it on the rim to get rid of excess eyeshadow that could falloff the brush and leave unattractive black spots of eyeshadow underyour eyes or on your cheeks!) with one easy motion, start by putting the brush under yourbottom lashes and sweeping it from side to side in a straightmotion to create the point under the eye on both sides.touch up by making sure no excess eyeshadow fell onto unwantedplaces on your face and adding a little concealer to seal thedeal. and you're done!COORDINATE YOUR COLOURS:if you are wearing shaddows from the brown family, try a peach blush. if you are wearing a more colourful shaddow like violet or blue, use a berry or rose coloured blush. keep like colours together: muted with muted. bright with bright.make-up for brown eyes really has no rules. when selecting an eyeliner, you can go with dark browns for a natural look and black for a more intense look. you can frame your eyes with tons of mascara and not end up looking all panda eyed. play it up and emphasize it all you want.CHOOSING A SHADDOW:here are some of the best eyeshaddows i have found:PERSCRIPTIVES- these individual shadows will set you back at about